Home FAMILY Top 5 Sports for Growing Kids

Top 5 Sports for Growing Kids

Top 5 Sports for Growing Kids

Child obesity all over the world is slowly increasing. According to the American Heart Association, there are 23.9 million obese or overweight children ages 2 to 19 years old. This figure reflects the United States alone. Around the world, at least one in two people are considered obese and the number is expected to increase over the years.

These figures are alarming and parents should do something to prevent this. Instead of letting the children watch television or play video games, parents should encourage their children to play in order to reduce the chances of obesity. Engaging in sport or any physical activities should be promoted, especially at an early age. Not only will it help them fight obesity and promote good health, but sports also instill discipline, confidence, and sportsmanship among the children.

Thus, the following are the best sports that children can engage at an early age.

1. Swimming

Swimming is a good workout for children because it helps maintain a healthy heart and lungs, increases stamina, flexibility, and strength while improving a child’s balance and posture.

Aside from the health benefits it brings, swimming enables the children to develop self-discipline, positive behavior, and respect towards other people, especially during competitions.

2. Running

Marathons are very popular these days. As early as now, children should be encouraged to run since it helps in strengthening the bones, muscles, and tendons and is considered as a good cardiovascular exercise.

However, parents should monitor their child’s running activities and not push them too much since it may result in complications as they grow up.

3. Karate

Studying karate at an early age helps instill discipline and self-confidence in children and at the same time, teach them the art of self-defense.

Apart from this, karate offers physical benefits such as improved reflexes, balance, and coordination, flexibility, and stamina. Karate also provides mental benefits like improved concentration, confidence, positive attitude, respect, and higher self-esteem.

4. Football / Soccer

Another good source for developing physical fitness and keeping a child in shape is football.

Since it is also a team sport, teamwork, perseverance, improved social skills, and sportsmanship can also be developed which is beneficial for a child to have at an early age.

5. Basketball

This sport is one of the best team sports and a good cardiovascular exercise that are available for kids and adults alike.

Aside from promoting physical fitness, basketball also teaches coordination skills to grow children since eyes, arms, legs, and feet are required to work all at the same time. It will also improve the child’s social skills since basketball enables the child to interact with kids of the same age and at the same time, develop teamwork in order to win the game.

As early as now, parents should start encouraging and motivating their children to get involved in sports to keep them physically fit and healthy and at the same time, avoid possible complications involving their health in the future.

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