Home RELATIONSHIP Top 5 Rules of a Happy Marriage

Top 5 Rules of a Happy Marriage

Rules of a Happy Marriage

Marriage is a union of two individuals who have promised and committed their lives for each other as one happily wedded couple. It is a very sacred ceremony practiced by many various cultures all over the world. It is definitely one of the few things, almost every other human race agrees upon and practices.

Now, marriage does not just mean loving, it also means acceptance, forgiveness, and appreciate so many different things and sides of your chosen life partner. Always remember that marriage isn’t always about happiness, it is about surpassing problems.

And to have that ideal happy marriage, you might as well follow some simple and very easy rules.

1Never be Both Angry at the Same Time

Shouting or yelling at each other both at the same time will never take you both anywhere. Remember, patience and good communication is a very simple way to resolve everything and anything, that’s for sure.

If you feel like you’re losing your temper, try to go out first, catch up some fresh air and clear your mind. Afterward, you will realize the right way to fix things up.

2. If You have to Criticize, Do it Lovingly

We all have our own different flaws, I mean, nobody is perfect. Try not to get angry with your partner just because he or she couldn’t be like this, couldn’t do this or that, couldn’t be like this or that.

Why not try helping him or her figure out how to do it and help each other. Now that’s a better way.

3. Never Ever Go to Sleep with an Argument Unsettled

To have an effective marriage, you must both be always ready and open to talk to each other no matter how small or how big your problem is.

Because after all nothing can be resolved with silence. Communication is a must.

4. Never Ever Bring Up Mistakes From the Past

Remember, the past is past and you are living in the present. Marriage is never about the past, it’s about the present and what you are going to be in the future.

The moment you have decided to marry him or her, you know and should have accepted him or her for what she or he is in the past.

5. Say One Kind or Complimentary Thing to Your Partner

Keep the love and sweetness going because after all, that’s what gotten you both together;

To unite and form a family of your own.

Always keep in mind that marriage is not about finding that perfect lifetime partner, it’s about being perfect for each other just the way you are.

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