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Top 5 Most Controversial Books of All Time

Books are printed or written literary work made by a person wherein pages are fastened together and encased in protective covers. These are usually...

Top 5 Most Favorite Disney Characters

Childhood is always the best part because this is the phase when you can enjoy the sweetness of life. When you were a child,...

Top 5 Movies of All Time

If you are a BIG movie junkie and simply enjoying watching movie after movie at the theaters or at the comfort of your own...

Top 5 Hollywood Scandals

When you’re in Hollywood, everything is possible. Aside from the glitz and glamour, chart-topping movies, and numerous celebrities being idolized by the youth today,...

Top 5 Best Singers

Everyone has their own personal list of their top 5 best singers. Since there are so many talented singers in different genres all throughout...

Top 5 Romantic Movies in the ’90s

The ’90s is a transition period where people are still learning about the importance of technology. In this period, television is still the best...

Top 5 Gaming Console

Video games have been around since the early years. The only way you get to play these video games is through machines called video...

Top 5 of Most Beautiful Faces in Hollywood

Hollywood is a haven of beautiful faces. Their faces are their ticket to success and more often than not, those who are gifted with...

Top 5 Most Exclusive Clubs in the World

Exclusive clubs are available and security is pretty tight however, it is also very expensive. Clubs that are for members only have a high...

Top 5 Actors of All Time

Hollywood is filled with countless talented, good looking, and successful actors and actresses. Since there are so many to choose from, have you ever...

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